"Is This Woman Too Hot To Be a Banker?
Debrahlee Lorenzana says her no-account bosses fired her over her looks
By Elizabeth Dwoskin Tuesday, Jun 1 2010
Everything about Debrahlee Lorenzana is hot. Even her name sizzles. At five-foot-six and 125 pounds, with soft eyes and flawless bronze skin, she is J.Lo curves meets Jessica Simpson rack meets Audrey Hepburn elegance—a head-turning beauty.
In many ways, the story of her life has been about getting attention from men—both the wanted and the unwanted kind. But when she got fired last summer from her job as a banker at a Citibank branch in Midtown—her bosses cited her work performance—she got even hotter. She sued Citigroup, claiming that she was fired solely because her bosses thought she was too hot.
This is the way Debbie Lorenzana tells it: Her bosses told her they couldn't concentrate on their work because her appearance was too distracting. They ordered her to stop wearing turtlenecks. She was also forbidden to wear pencil skirts, three-inch heels, or fitted business suits. Lorenzana, a 33-year-old single mom, pointed out female colleagues whose clothing was far more revealing than hers: "They said their body shapes were different from mine, and I drew too much attention," she says.
As Lorenzana's lawsuit puts it, her bosses told her that "as a result of the shape of her figure, such clothes were purportedly 'too distracting' for her male colleagues and supervisors to bear."
"Men are kind of drawn to her," says Tanisha Ritter, a friend and former colleague who also works as a banker and praises Lorenzana's work habits. "I've seen men turn into complete idiots around her. But it's not her fault that they act this way, and it shouldn't be her problem."
Because Citibank made Lorenzana sign a mandatory-arbitration clause as a condition of her employment, the case will never end up before a jury or judge. An arbitrator will decide. Citibank officials won't comment on the suit."
Read The Full Story Here: Villagevoice.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: It is surely no secret that I am a super fan of the female anatomy. One look no further than my celebrated "The Brunch Bunch" series of posts that grace the pages of Livestyle each and every Sunday morning to appreciate my wide-ranging taste in beautiful women. Debrahlee Lorenzana, the seemingly modest Puerto Rican and Italian MILF turned heroine of our story, is bangin'; I get it ... with the right pictures she could have easily marched in my Sunday morning pootang parade. That having been said, if all that she alleges against her former employers @ Citigroup holds true (NOTE: And, being somewhat familiar with corporate attitudes towards sex and the strategic appropriation of women as defined by those whom "play by the rules" and those who don't, I DO believe her claims to be legitimate.), I hope that shorty gets all of whatever the fuck she is suing them for.
As a man, I have never and will never allow my penis to jeopardize my presidents. This is no self-righteous rant and I do realize that I have never been in a supremely powerful "boss-like" position that would allow me to take such advantage of a female underling, however, all of that is relative. Basically, if I have to trick Y.O.U. into sleeping with me, then I aint playing the game right. This woman's former boss supposedly called her into his office to show her a picture of his dick on a computer screen!? Really? What, are we horny 16 year old kids "sexting" (NOTE: I L.O.V.E. that media-creation of a word ... "sexting" ... lol) each other after bedtime?
Let this be a lesson to the ladies of Livestyle: Education, career positioning and impressive financial achievement do NOT guarantee that a man is somehow composed of a better pedigree than of those men who do not share his status. Furthermore, I would even argue that in many, though certainly not all cases, such arbitrary social anchors only give already natural born assholes even greater license to run roughshod over the rest of the world.
It has recently been rerported that Lorenzana, who now works as a licensed personal banker at a Chase branch in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (NOTE TO SELF: Google Maps GO!) might lose her current job there because of all the hooplah surrounding the P.R. push for her case against Citigroup. I say, "Fuck it!" If she's plays her cards right, she'll be able to write a check that could make the bank bounce.
Anyway, while my G-instincts make me pretty sure (NOTE: Like betting dollars-to-donuts sure) that this Debrahlee Lorenzana character aint no saint (And I would even venture a strong guess that underneath her bed she's got her headlamp and pick-axe ready for some sultry Latina seductress gold-digging action) none of that should hinder her case. Niggas act like they aint never seen a b-a-d itchbay before. Message To Citigroup: It's time to pay sucker's tax.

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