(DISCLAIMER: This entry was indeed written last night, however, as game time drew ever near, I had some serious life decisions to make. Complete this post OR watch the Los Angeles Lakers beat up on the bitch made Boston Celtics in Game 4 of the 2010 NBA Finals. I watched the contest. The Lakers lost the game ... the Celtics did not win the game. Fast forward and, now, some hours later, this item is now ready for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!)
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: In light of the fact that the "Lake Show" starts in approximately 45 minutes, I have precious little time to waste. Let's keep this rant brief, shall we? As of late, Sean "Puffy" Combs (The O.G. name) AKA Diddy (The newfangled alias that rarely sticks with anyone whom remembers him as an ambitious young promoter who twice oversold tickets to an AIDS benefit celebrity basketball game that killed 9 people @ the City College of New York in 1991) has taken to committing not 1, but 2 unpardonable acts of unmitigated blasphemy against both the streets and Hip Hop.
I gave Puff a pass for his heretofore seemingly innocuous hyperbolic outbursts comparing Rick Ross to the late, great Biggie Smalls because A) Puff is the consummate promoter. Talking shit and advertising EVERYTHING and/or EVERYONE that he is involved with is simply what he does and B) because I fux with Rick Ross. In spite of his cocaine credibility having been exposed and proven to be more Gold Medal Flour® than the raw fishscale flounder that he imagines it to be, this former C.O. can rap. As an adult whom makes his living in the "real world", it is not necessary for me to believe your lyrical content in order for me to enjoy it. Sure, it's nice be able to relate to an artist whose work reflects some of the grim aspects of my life, thereby giving voice to a struggle that we both may share, however, it is not that serious ... I live vicariously through myself homie. Anyway, back to the muthafuggin' program.
I have been uncharacteristically forgiving of Diddy's recent shenanigans, that is, until he started to proclaim Rick Ross as the new "Biggie of the South"! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Not only should NOBODY make such asinine claims attempting to equate a new jack, talented though he may be, to the greatest rapper ever, but such declarations take on an added layer of ri-damn-diculousness when the words come from the mouth of the friend and manager of the deceased greatest rapper EVER! Message To Puff: I know that Y.O.U. are on a relentless pursuit to revitalize your career @ any and all costs, but please do not desecrate the legacy of your so-called friend and partner in the process. The crown stays in Brooklyn!
The 2nd act of heresy perpetrated by Mr. Combs goes against historic New York City street legend. While this infraction may hold less weight to those unfamiliar with the giants of New York City's crack-era his 2nd recent promotional folly is similarly egregious.
This nigga has the audacity to name his latest rag-tag assemblage of unsuspecting rape victims - I mean artists - the arrogantly designated Supreme Team. Dammit Diddy! Y.O.U. should know better. Be this new collective named after Hip Hop pioneers the "World's Famous Supreme Team" (NOTE: Probably not), the Puerto Rican Supreme Magnetic sponsored "Supreme Team" criminal enterprise from Brooklyn's Fort Greene section (NOTE: Warmer) or the Southside Jamaica, Queens based drug empire headed by Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff and his murderous nephew Gerald "Prince" Miller the "Supreme Team" (NOTE: BINGO!), the "Supreme Team" name should not be invoked and made a mockery of merely as a means to achieve some cheap ass, quick media attention. Half the niggas that Diddy's rocking with aint even from New York.
Now, my displeasure with Diddy's insistence with christening his new squad the "Supreme Team" has nothing to do with petty territorialism as I, in fact, regardless of region, actually respect most of the artists involved in this project. Hear me out though. Imagine for a millisecond the less than appreciative reaction I, a dude from Brooklyn, NY, might receive if say I took it upon myself to name my newest rap click B.lack M.afia F.amily or, better still, maybe the "Boobie Boys" that Rick Ross is soooooooooooooooo fond of trumpeting as his dope game colleagues. That shit wouldn't fly, right? Right. Shit like that would and should be completely unacceptable to the real niggas that went to jail and died for the right to rep those names.
Alas, I am just 1 lonely voice that echos in the empty halls of a once magnificent, now long abandoned social structure called "Standards". I don't know any of the parties involved. I just had to vent to my loyal Livestyle contingency ... I always drop jewels like a clumsy thief ... lol. Know the ledge.
BONUS: The Original "Supreme Team"'s x Corresponding Links To Online Information About Each Crew:

The World's Famous Supreme Team (Hip Hop Crew)

The Supreme Team (Brooklyn, NY)

The Supreme Team (Southside Jamaica, Queens, NY)
I gave Puff a pass for his heretofore seemingly innocuous hyperbolic outbursts comparing Rick Ross to the late, great Biggie Smalls because A) Puff is the consummate promoter. Talking shit and advertising EVERYTHING and/or EVERYONE that he is involved with is simply what he does and B) because I fux with Rick Ross. In spite of his cocaine credibility having been exposed and proven to be more Gold Medal Flour® than the raw fishscale flounder that he imagines it to be, this former C.O. can rap. As an adult whom makes his living in the "real world", it is not necessary for me to believe your lyrical content in order for me to enjoy it. Sure, it's nice be able to relate to an artist whose work reflects some of the grim aspects of my life, thereby giving voice to a struggle that we both may share, however, it is not that serious ... I live vicariously through myself homie. Anyway, back to the muthafuggin' program.
I have been uncharacteristically forgiving of Diddy's recent shenanigans, that is, until he started to proclaim Rick Ross as the new "Biggie of the South"! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Not only should NOBODY make such asinine claims attempting to equate a new jack, talented though he may be, to the greatest rapper ever, but such declarations take on an added layer of ri-damn-diculousness when the words come from the mouth of the friend and manager of the deceased greatest rapper EVER! Message To Puff: I know that Y.O.U. are on a relentless pursuit to revitalize your career @ any and all costs, but please do not desecrate the legacy of your so-called friend and partner in the process. The crown stays in Brooklyn!
The 2nd act of heresy perpetrated by Mr. Combs goes against historic New York City street legend. While this infraction may hold less weight to those unfamiliar with the giants of New York City's crack-era his 2nd recent promotional folly is similarly egregious.
This nigga has the audacity to name his latest rag-tag assemblage of unsuspecting rape victims - I mean artists - the arrogantly designated Supreme Team. Dammit Diddy! Y.O.U. should know better. Be this new collective named after Hip Hop pioneers the "World's Famous Supreme Team" (NOTE: Probably not), the Puerto Rican Supreme Magnetic sponsored "Supreme Team" criminal enterprise from Brooklyn's Fort Greene section (NOTE: Warmer) or the Southside Jamaica, Queens based drug empire headed by Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff and his murderous nephew Gerald "Prince" Miller the "Supreme Team" (NOTE: BINGO!), the "Supreme Team" name should not be invoked and made a mockery of merely as a means to achieve some cheap ass, quick media attention. Half the niggas that Diddy's rocking with aint even from New York.
Now, my displeasure with Diddy's insistence with christening his new squad the "Supreme Team" has nothing to do with petty territorialism as I, in fact, regardless of region, actually respect most of the artists involved in this project. Hear me out though. Imagine for a millisecond the less than appreciative reaction I, a dude from Brooklyn, NY, might receive if say I took it upon myself to name my newest rap click B.lack M.afia F.amily or, better still, maybe the "Boobie Boys" that Rick Ross is soooooooooooooooo fond of trumpeting as his dope game colleagues. That shit wouldn't fly, right? Right. Shit like that would and should be completely unacceptable to the real niggas that went to jail and died for the right to rep those names.
Alas, I am just 1 lonely voice that echos in the empty halls of a once magnificent, now long abandoned social structure called "Standards". I don't know any of the parties involved. I just had to vent to my loyal Livestyle contingency ... I always drop jewels like a clumsy thief ... lol. Know the ledge.
BONUS: The Original "Supreme Team"'s x Corresponding Links To Online Information About Each Crew:

The World's Famous Supreme Team (Hip Hop Crew)

The Supreme Team (Brooklyn, NY)

The Supreme Team (Southside Jamaica, Queens, NY)
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