
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: NOTE: The April/May 2010 Vibe Magazine is a dual cover featuring the formerly "Young" Jeezy and Trey Songz, however, in the wake of the brief, yet intense Trey-1-N-1 outbreak that swept away the hearts of budding P.Y.T.'s everywhere earlier this year, I will only be posting Mr. 17.5's canvas as I refuse to broadcast any sexually suggestive content that might cause my still tender recovering female readers to relapse. I have a responsibility to them AND, more importantly, myself because, while Trey is a cool nigga, I don't give a fuck about that statutory type shit ... lol. If any Livestyle readers of the fairer sex care to see that other cover posted here, please feel free to petition my little sister Aisha and tell her to get back on her j-o-b.
Oh yeah, the April 2010 XXL Magazine features Nicki "Female-Rappers-Are-Irrelevant-So-I-Will-Have-To-Do" Minaj and Drizzy "I'm-A-Corny-Nigga-But-At-Least-I-Know-It-And-That-Almost-Makes-Me-Cool" Drake AKA "Wheelchair Jimmy" on the marquee. Y.O.U. see it!
Oh yeah, the April 2010 XXL Magazine features Nicki "Female-Rappers-Are-Irrelevant-So-I-Will-Have-To-Do" Minaj and Drizzy "I'm-A-Corny-Nigga-But-At-Least-I-Know-It-And-That-Almost-Makes-Me-Cool" Drake AKA "Wheelchair Jimmy" on the marquee. Y.O.U. see it!
The First Lady of LiveStyle Says: Bro say no more! I may be M.I.A. around these parts but I'll never forget about my LiveStyle duties! It's only fair that I give my girls some eye candy around here. We see enough Nikki Minaj look-a-likes on the regular. #NoShots! LOL! With that being said, I want my fellow LiveStyle Ladies to indulge in this helluva cover Trey graced his presence with!

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