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CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Just when the world wrongly assumes that Puff has become completely estranged from his underground roots, he turns the game on it's solitaire diamond studded ear and reminds us ALL why, after nearly 20 years of sharing road duties with other innovators behind the wheel and driving Hip Hop culture, we still fux with him.
Earlier this year he helmed Raekwon's "Only Built For cuban Linx II" album release extravaganza @ New York City's über trendy Santo's Party Haus and, now, last night, he crossed that bridge to Brooklyn to celebrate the life and legacy of his friend and biggest meal ticket, the late, great Notorious B.I.G. AKA the "Invisible Bully" on the 13th anniversary of his death. Call it shrewd political positioning and/or merely the latest cog in his well oiled branding and mass marketing machine, but, no matter what, Diddy ALWAYS finds his way back to the hood ... even if it's *Cue Luther Vandross Voice* "If only for one night" ... lol.
Additionally, for my readers uninitiated in the workings of the murky Brooklyn underworld, The Lab Banquet Hall (Where this esteemed event was held) is a 1st class deathtrap ... lol. How many rappers on par with Diddy journey to the depths of the gutter - even better, a gutter NOT their own - and give it up for the hood (NOTE: Yes, Jay-Z I am looking @ Y.O.U.)? Huh? That's right NONE. Oh yeah, he also brought out everybody's favorite daydreaming dope boy, Rick Ross, DJ Mister Cee, Busta "Mr. Irrelevant" Rhymes, Fabolous and his latest tax-write-off Red Cafe to join in the fresh-tivities! Salute this man! Think B.I.G.
Earlier this year he helmed Raekwon's "Only Built For cuban Linx II" album release extravaganza @ New York City's über trendy Santo's Party Haus and, now, last night, he crossed that bridge to Brooklyn to celebrate the life and legacy of his friend and biggest meal ticket, the late, great Notorious B.I.G. AKA the "Invisible Bully" on the 13th anniversary of his death. Call it shrewd political positioning and/or merely the latest cog in his well oiled branding and mass marketing machine, but, no matter what, Diddy ALWAYS finds his way back to the hood ... even if it's *Cue Luther Vandross Voice* "If only for one night" ... lol.
Additionally, for my readers uninitiated in the workings of the murky Brooklyn underworld, The Lab Banquet Hall (Where this esteemed event was held) is a 1st class deathtrap ... lol. How many rappers on par with Diddy journey to the depths of the gutter - even better, a gutter NOT their own - and give it up for the hood (NOTE: Yes, Jay-Z I am looking @ Y.O.U.)? Huh? That's right NONE. Oh yeah, he also brought out everybody's favorite daydreaming dope boy, Rick Ross, DJ Mister Cee, Busta "Mr. Irrelevant" Rhymes, Fabolous and his latest tax-write-off Red Cafe to join in the fresh-tivities! Salute this man! Think B.I.G.
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