"As I was very sleepily riding the Subway this morning, I noticed a strange series of ads on the opposite side of the train. They were posters advertising something called the "Mighty Flavor Ball and Flavor Packets" (pictured above), a product designed to endow your taste buds with all the natural and artificial flavors we're used to without providing any nourishment.
My first thought was, "Jeez, people will sell anything." I mean, I mentioned I was sleepy, right?
As it turns out, the Might Flavor Ball is one of 15 products belonging to JetBlue's new Flyer's Collection, a fake line of items designed to "help you cope with the other guys," according to the Facebook page. Basically, all of this is an ad campaign—a very, very cool one.
The Flyer's Collection features a host of items poking fun at the airline's competitors, since the whole premise is that these are the items you need if you're not flying with JetBlue. There's a knee-compressor (to increase leg room), a sweater-suitcase (to get out of bogus baggage fees), an easy-listening collection featuring recordings of polite JetBlue employees (to block out snippy flight attendants), and many other entertaining options. I think my personal favorite is the Flight Eraser—a Men in Black-like device that will void your horrible travel experience from your consciousness."
Read The Full Story Here: Dollarish.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: I do not own an iPhone, an iPod or any "i" form of gadgetry to occupy time with on the occasion that I am aboard a train. I usually read the day's newspaper and, when I'm done folding and flipping pages with print stained fingers, I A) "people watch and/or B) read whatever the fuck ads they have on the subway. This is what I do. So, imagine my surprise yesterday as I looked up to be greeted by an advertisement (NOTE: Pronounce it "ad-ver-tiz-ment" like my snooty British mates ... lol) for "Nut Dust". Yes, "NUT DUST"! I was by myself, but I was sooooooooooooo tempted to tap the person next to me and point this shit out to them. I had stumbled upon comedy gold and I desperately wanted somebody to share in my discovery. No friends on the train means that I now have to share this find with Y.O.U. ... their loss is your exceptional gain. You're welcome.
Alas, after some fancy Google CSI work, I have learned that this "Mighty Flavor Ball" campaign is all a sick joke. JetBlue is making fun of it's competitors and the dearth of amenities available on other flights throughout the ever shrinking airline industry by launching a littany of fake items designed to "help you cope with the other guys" and their bullshit.
Apparently this is a full range campaign that features other ridiculous sales pitches, but "Nut Dust"? Come ooooooooooon. This is too funny. I kind of wanted this to be real. Y.O.U. have NO idea how many girls I was going to give "Nut Dust" to this Valentine's Day. Foiled again ... lol. *Cue Swiper The Fox Voice* "Awwwwwwwwwwwww man!"
Alas, after some fancy Google CSI work, I have learned that this "Mighty Flavor Ball" campaign is all a sick joke. JetBlue is making fun of it's competitors and the dearth of amenities available on other flights throughout the ever shrinking airline industry by launching a littany of fake items designed to "help you cope with the other guys" and their bullshit.
Apparently this is a full range campaign that features other ridiculous sales pitches, but "Nut Dust"? Come ooooooooooon. This is too funny. I kind of wanted this to be real. Y.O.U. have NO idea how many girls I was going to give "Nut Dust" to this Valentine's Day. Foiled again ... lol. *Cue Swiper The Fox Voice* "Awwwwwwwwwwwww man!"

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