"Jilted mistress proclaims love for exec ex with billboard
By EMMETT BERG in Hillsborough, Calif ., and AMBER SUTHERLAND and JEANE MacINTOSH in NY
Last Updated: 10:29 AM, January 22, 2010
Posted: 3:41 AM, January 22, 2010
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned -- and then there's this lady.
A fuming mistress catapulted retribution into a new orbit by plastering the country with billboards that show her nuzzling a married New York business honcho and adviser to President Obama, sources said.
The spurned squeeze, YaVaughnie Wilkins, went nuclear after she learned that Charles E. Phillips -- president of tech conglomerate Oracle and a member of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board -- reconciled with his wife despite his lengthy affair with Wilkins.
Three signs have popped up in the city, as well as one in Atlanta and one in San Francisco -- where Wilkins lives, Phillips owns a home and Oracle's world headquarters are located.
The very public humiliation campaign may have cost Wilkins upward of $250,000, at an estimated $50,000 a pop.
Court records show that Phillips' wife, Karen, filed for divorce in February 2008, but no action has been taken on the filing since that year. The couple recently made up, and Phillips kicked Wilkins to the curb, a source said.
"I had an 8½-year serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins," Charles Phillips said through a spokesman. "The relationship with Ms. Wilkins has since ended, and we both wish each other well."
One of the giant signs, posted prominently at the corner of West 52nd Street and Broadway, near Times Square, declares "Charles & YaVaughnie," and shows the couple beaming.
Referring to him by his initials, the three-story-tall ad proclaims, "You are my soulmate forever - cep."
But the billboards, first reported by Gawker, are only half the tale -- they also invite the curious to go to a Web site that is a veritable shrine to Wilkins' ex-love.
Featured on www.charlesphillipsandyavaughniewilkins.com are eight years' worth of photos of the pair canoodling around the world, dating to 2001.
Phillips, 50, and Wilkins, 41, a writer and actress, can be seen standing arm-in-arm on the Great Wall of China at his 2005 birthday celebration, and posing in Sydney wearing matching "Australia" jackets.
Also included are dozens of ticket stubs from concerts, movies and sporting events -- as well as Obama's inauguration."
Read The Full Article Here: NYPost.Com
Visit Charles E. Phillips x YaVaughnie Wilkins Online Here: Charlesphililipsandyavaughniewilkins.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Believe it or not, I am NOT mad @ the psycho whore bitch homewrecker that is YaVaughnie Wilkins. Mr. Charles Phillips is sloppy. Simply put, this billboard blitz and online journal is but 1 possible damaging side effect that can result from recklessly toying with the emotions of an unstable woman. Jilted lovers will literally put ALL of your business on Broadway. Justifiable? No. Understandable? Yes. Bitches be crazy.
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