Friday, October 10, 2008

Uncle Murda Ft. Jay-Z x Sadat X - Dissing Fat Joe x DJ Khaled? Don't Quite Believe The Hype.

According To Just Blaze
(As Taken From His Personal Blog Themegatrondon2.Com):
10 October 2008 - 6:34

So for some reason people think this "new" Jay/Uncle Murda thing is a Fat Joe Khaled dis.

It’s not.


It’s also like 8000 years old and somehow dude got his hands on it and put a verse on it.

Now that I recall, it’s Blueprint 2 era..

I was going to use this verse for the S.Carter Remix CD but we couldn’t get the Pro Tools in time.

The illest Rap Nerd moment was Sadat coming back in and doign the hook for us.

Ahh the Good ‘Ol Days.

Anyway I really have nothing to do with any of this, but it’s funny to see a 6 or 7 year old record that I wtinessed being made come back as a "new dis record"

Or maybe Jay was just psychic and new that Khaled would be big one day and and decided to set away a dis verse just in case.. 6 or 7 years in advance.

Uhh.. yeah

Don’t fall for the Okeydoke folks..

Yours Truly,

King Bongo Beat."

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS:  First and foremost, I was NOT impressed @ all when professional windbag/disc jockey "The Drama King" DJ Kay Slay dropped this record last night after waaaaaaaaaay too much build up.  Upon further inspection, this record does absolutely nothing for anybody except Uncle Murda. The homie from Brooklyn wouldn't risk ruining his barely there career by stealing and subsequently releasing an obvious rap "beef" diss track utilizing an old Jay-Z verse without his boss's explicit permission, would he?

Additionally, Jay-Z wouldn't give CPR to Fat Joe's rap career by finally acknowledging him by name in a song NOW after having issues with the nigga for years already, right?   I mean, I'm aight with Fat Joe as an artist, but he aint doing shit except hanging onto the South's coattails for dear life these days my nigga. Like, why bother? Tactically, this record would simply make no sense for Jay-Z - I trust that he's a little bit smarter than that ... lol. What the fuck is up with all of this fuckery for fuck's sake!?  LOL.

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