Showing posts with label Ashanti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ashanti. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NEW MUSIC: Shyne - Messiah (Produced By LP)

Streaming Audio/Download Link: Shyne - Messiah (Produced By LP)

The First Lady Of LiveStyle Says: First and foremost I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to my good friend, Chicago's very own LP for getting this placement done all on his own.

Story is the beat was made 2 years ago for the Cool Kids, but luckily it ended up in the hands of their manager, Happy, who then forwarded it to John Monopoly and the rest is history. Peezy told me personally that there are a few more placements he has in store for us, but due to certain contractual obligations that prohibit gibber-gabber he isn't allowed to speak on them. Regardless, I want my LiveStyle Exclusives William! (Chris Live AKA Shaker Editorial Note: Yes, she definitely DID just put your government on full blast! Do with her what Y.O.U. will ... lol.)

Now, as far as Shyne goes, I've always been a fan and was excited to watch him make his return, but, I must admit, Y.O.U. kinda lost me with this one. In the words of Chris Live "Come Back To Brooklyn Homie!"

Signing Off...

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Although I initially regarded Shyne as a Biggie knock-off and wretched opportunist whom, to add insult to injury, adopted the nickname "Po" - After 1980's Harlem, NY teenage drug kingpin turned federal fuck boy Alberto "Alpo" Martinez - I grew to admire much of his work. That having been said, it saddens me to hear this mojo-less rap zombie fumble his way through these new tracks.

I mean, he's released music from the pen that sounded pretty damn good ... he laced Ashanti in "Jimmy Choos" and hopped on the jack and dumped back @ 50 Cent for his wreckless lines during a Hot 97 freestyle waaaaaaaaaay back in 2002, so excuse the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks out of me for expecting this nigga to still be worth listening to. He is not.

I really hope that nobody that Shyne calls a "friend" has been sitting in these sessions with him, nodding their heads in bullshit approval, and allowing him to cart this hot garbage out to the masses. That would be decidedly NOT gangster. Is John Monopoly really his new manager? What happened to my nigga Manny? (UPDATE: Yeah, just like I thought Manny DOES still manage Shyne; John Monopoly only manages the young talent responsible for producing this record.) Somebody call waste management ... lol. Fix up and look sharp!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ashanti @ The Grove In L.A. 8-27-08.

I don't know NOR do I care what her album is doing on the charts, but "Young Thigh Master" is definitely doing her thing on stage.  G-G-G-G Get 'em girl!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Ashanti's Thighs Don't Lie! Behind-The-Scenes @ Her "Body On Me" Video Shoot.

In a sad twist of fate for Ashanti (yet, a great development for all men with a good pair of eyes), while her fame is in serious decline, her sexiness is @ an all time high! In the words of Hubey Brown on NBA Draft night, "I see tremendous upside with this pick". Oh yeah, these are behind-the-scene pics from her latest video entitled "Body On Me" with Nelly and Akon. Who cares, right?

Pictures Courtesy Of: Ashantidaily.Com