Showing posts with label Fox News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fox News. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kanye West's "Say You Will" Freestyle Live In Melbourne, Australia = Trojan® MAGNUM® #Realityrap

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: After nearly accidentally killing his fast flourishing career as a result of his much publicized Antares© Auto-Tune™ erotic asphyxiation addiction during the recording of his surely emotionally cathartic, albeit artistically jumbled album, "808's And Heartbreaks" and subsequently recovering from said problematic proclivity, Mr. West, Mr. West briefly fell off the wagon last night and tempted fate with this hilariously honest robo-voiced 7 minute-plus "freestyle" over "Say You Will" @ a tour stop in Melbourne, Australia.

The REAL "Lamestream Media" (NOTE: Yeah, fuck Y.O.U. Sarah Palin! I took your cretinous catchphrase and flipped it. Y.O.U. made it a hot Fox News soundbyte ... I made it a hot addition to my post ... lol.) tried to Taylor Swift-boat this young man's livelyhood after he bumrushed the stage of the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards show, but with endearing real nigga waiting-on-my-latenight-slide lines like, "I left the door cracked open ... New ... New York City is dangerous! I could've been robbed!", the hood has no choice but to ride for Chi-Town's Finest! Message To Newport™ 100's Chain-Smoking Svedka Robot Girl AKA Ms. Amber Rose: Are Y.O.U. listening to this baby? Good shit!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Kardashian Family Christmas Card For Holiday 2011 = Dope Picture. Terrible Christmas Card.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: First and foremost, what the fuck kind of True Blood/The Vampire Diaries shit is this? This family photo is like anti-Christmas. When the misinformation Conservative cabal @ FOX News and their soft minded surrogates go off on a tangent about there being some far reaching Liberal/Socialist/Communist (NOTE: Because, afterall, they're all the same thing, right?) conspiratorial "War On Christmas", THIS Kardashian Family Christmas Card for Holiday 2011 is precisely the type of shit they're talking about b.  SMH. I mean, this picture and it's timing is almost inappropriate. When your name is synonymous with vacuous vanity fare why Y.O.U. would choose to release a picture that is all Vanity Fair for the Holidays is beyond me. Un-fucking-believable!

Speaking of "un-fucking-believable", how about Kourtney's ass in this picture though my nigga? It's like Kim and her wagon didn't even suit up and hit the field for this photoshoot. Plus, she's surrounded by pure unadulterated evil 1%er #SWAG in the form of baby pops Scott Disick and their demon spawn Mason ... AKA Son Of #SWAG ... lol. Shit is most definitely real.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Say What!?

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Well, clearly ALL kinds of people - even political analysts that are paid to at the very least feign objectivity - feel like they can say whatever the fuck they want about President Barack Obama. Hmmmmm, it couldn't be because he's our (NOTE: Or "THEIR") nation's 1st Black Commander In Chief though, right? Nahhh. Smh. And, this particular ad hominem attack on President Obama came from a so-called Liberal journalist while appearing on the so-called completely Liberal MSNBC network. Joe Scarborough AND Mika Brzezinski set this Mark Halperin fool up lovely with the good ole "Suuuure, you've got a 7 second delay" trick ... lol. Y.O.U. already know how Fox News gets down, but THIS!? With friends like these ...

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Forget Me Not.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: On that fateful morning of September 11, 2001, the still holding on to a fading Summer bright blue skies above NYC were blackened with billows of smoke and a pungent sense of despair as America and, indeed, the world was thrust into a frightful new reality. Nothing would ever be the same.

In the 9 years since the worst terrorist attack ever committed on the heretofore sacrosanct U.S. soil, our collective pride and resilience in the face of this horror as a country has, for far too many, morphed into a xenophobic inferno.

The real embers of raw emotion and anger have been stoked by heartless fear mongers bent on furthering their own careers @ the expense of our nation's sanity. When honest answers are woefully insufficient only good ole scapegoating will do - and the less that a person OR persons looks like Y.O.U., talks like Y.O.U. and/or worships like Y.O.U. that much the easier to recast them as sub-human and ideal candidates to burn in public effigy as the great towers of the World Trade Center once did.

Right-Wing Republican extremists have taken effervescent joy in painting Muslim extremists as the true reflection of Islam (NOTE: Clearly, the "Boogey Man" of all religions) and those too ignorant and unworldly to know any better gobbled up the bait and have now become just as radicalized in their skewed views and actions as the enemy that they wish to destroy. Ironic, huh?

I have never been given to overly-intense hysteric bouts of emotion regarding the politics of this tragedy. I have, however, always felt and continue to feel the deepest and most sincere of sorrows for the thousands of innocent people who lost their lives and the lives of their loved ones on that September morning. Fuck the Taliban, fuck Fox News and fuck George Bush and his opportunistic ass for using this event as an excuse to reignite his daddy's war against Sadaam Hussein and trade blood for oil! September 11th is NOT about Mosques that stand questionably close to Ground Zero or fanatical 50 member Church cult leaders threatening to burn 100 Holy Korans. No, today is about real people.

Today is about my GODfather who made it out from the 92nd floor of Tower 1 just before it fell as the bodies of jumpers, whom would have rather plunged to their death than be burned alive, rained down and crashed to the ground around him as hurried through crowds of people, rubble and charred remains to find unknown safety. My GODfather is a Vietnam War veteran. He tells me that he will never forget that day. Neither should we.

I would like to salute ALL of the brave men and women - civilians and/or "First Responders" - whom made the ultimate sacrifice 9 years ago today. Thank Y.O.U.! My thoughts and prayers go out to Y.O.U. and your families. GOD bless. Peace.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MSNBC Originals Presents: Marijuana Inc. AKA The Chronic Chronicles Of Brad Piff x Angelina Roll-Weed.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Although their news coverage lacks the 24/7 expansive programming punch of their cable competitors, MSNBC, when they are actually "On Air", have come the closest to achieving the "fair and balanced" reporting standards that other disingenuous news outlets only claim to aspire to.

While I pride myself on the fact that I gather news from opposing ends of the news spectrum (Faux News included ... sometimes ... lol) and have conditioned myself to filter through the mountains of bullshit and partisan hyperbole, thereby forming, as best I can, my own true opinion of matters regarding our world, MSNBC has quickly become my go-to source for quality broadcast journalism.

I watch "Morning Joe" every morning and go to sleep every night with visions of Tamron Hall dancing in my head and on weekends - when everybody @ MSNBC goes home and leaves the station staffed with 2 news anchors, 2 camera men, 1 lonely intern and a vending machine - I have also really started to fuck with their "MSNBC Originals" series of documentaries. Tacit tales of prison, prostitution and other fucked up shit are their normal fare, however, MSNBC is stepping up to the plate and putting their best foot-age forward ... lol.

"NEWBOs" airs in 2 days - and that's great - but, I've gotta post this documentary entitled "Marijuana Inc." for all of my smokers! LOL. Word up, yall might fuck around and catch cottonmouth just looking @ this video ... lol. Legalize it! Holla @ ya boy in BK!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Young Jeezy Directs Bill O'Reilly x Faux News To Fallback.

Get your urban news at DimeWars.Com

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS:  By now I am sure that Y.O.U. have heard all about the mini-uproar that Young Jeezy and Jay-Z's recent performance of "My President Is Black" has caused in conservative land.

Basically, for lack of anything meaningful to report on since the Republican'ts lost the election and, as a party, are in shambles, über prick and champion of all things prejudice, Bill O'Reilly, has been making much a do about nothing over on Faux News channel.  So, while I wouldn't dare give Bill-o The Clown (My Countdown With Keith Olbermann viewers know what time it is) any airtime on Livestyle, I did have to post the homie Jeezy's response to the haters.  Consider this a healthy dose of "Thug Motivation" my nigga.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Saturday Night Live x Ben Affleck Might Make The "Worst Persons In The Wooooooooorld" List On Tonight's Episode Of Countdown With Keith Olbermann.

As an avid watcher of Countdown With Keith Olbermann, in all objectivity, even I can admit that the homie occasionally does reach a tad bit too far ... lol. However, what some people wrongly regard as self-righteous indignation on Mr. Olbermann's part is probably, in all actuality, the manifest of him being in full on L.O.V.E. with the sound of his own voice and the eloquence of his speech and him relishing his role as MSNBC's most effective foil to Fox News's heavyweight champion of racist windbags, Mr. Bill O'Reilly.

Look, if Y.O.U. know anything, Y.O.U. already know that Keith Olbermann has always been animated, witty and randomly referential (attributes that I certainly admire and appreciate) since his sportscasting days on ESPN alongside the great Dan Patrick. That's neither here nor there though. Bottom line, Ben Affleck did his thing on Saturday Night Live and this skit is hilarious. Good shit.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hannity Lame.

If Y.O.U. are unfamiliar with this man's bitter and, often inaccurate, brand of "journalism" (if it can even really be classified as such) then, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Y.O.U. to Sean Hannity.

Sean Hannity's favorite currency is counterfeit information cloaked in "selective moral outrage" (that's 1 of his favorite catch phrases against the horrible "Liberals") and xenophobia masquerading as good ole patriotism. He's popular on Fox News and AM radio ... yeah, right next to Rush Limbaugh and them. Basically, homeboy is full of shit and that is precisely what makes this clip from last night's post debate coverage sooooooooooooooooo valuable! The Obama campaign's Senior Political Chief Advisor - Robert Gibbs - is not having it! Good shit!

Friday, October 3, 2008

NBA 2K9 x NBA Live 09 Side-By-Side Gameplay Comparison.

Holy shit! NBA 2K9 is too real, possibly even realer than Plies ... lol. Now, I would L.O.V.E. to say that NBA Live looked better (I mean, the game is named after ME), but, in all fairness and objectivity, 2K easily takes the top spot once again! It's not even a contest. I mean, look @ the fluid movement of the players my nigga ... NBA Live looks choppy as H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks ... lol. Message To Mandalay Jay x Niketown: Be patient brothers. The time of reckoning for poor 2K players draws near. LOL. Holla @ ya boy in BK!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lil Billy O'Reilly Will "Do It Live" Too! - Watch more free videos
I have no idea why, but, today, I've stumbled upon a plethora of funny ass videos worthy of sharing with my highly esteemed Livestyle community. Anyway, you've read the title of this post ... it is what it is. Ahhhhhhh, these kids grow up so fast, huh? LOL.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The "Malice @ The Palace" (Lady's Style) Starring: Candace Parker & Lisa Leslie!

My NEW "bust it baby" Ms. Candace Parker proved last night that she is a Lady Vol that can ball AND brawl ... she does it all! Word to Pat Summit.  Being that these were probably the only 2 straight women on the court, could they have been fighting over a man? LOL. Shout out to Mandalay Jay for pulling a "czar of the telestrator" move and pointing out the mean hook that Lisa Leslie put on ex-NBA player turned WNBA coach Rick Mahorn's dome.  Shorty could have got dropped!

Thisislivestyle.Blogspot.Com Exclusive Photo: Lisa Leslie & Candace Parker During Happier times.

Rapper Nas Sets Trap For The "Sly Fox" In New York City!

"Nas has joined the fight to end Fox’s pattern of racist attacks against Black(s)
July 22, 2008 on 9:45 am | In Scandal/Conspiracy/Legal Issues | No Comments

Hip hop star Nas will join members of & on Wednesday to deliver 620,127 petition signatures demanding that FOX end its pattern of racist attacks against Black Americans including presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. The group will make the delivery at 2:00pm on Wednesday, July 23rd at FOX in Manhattan.

Over the last several weeks, FOX has had a string of incidents that many believe are a veiled attempt to prey on racism and intolerance and cast the Obamas as “outsiders”: an on-screen graphic referred to Mrs. Obama as “Obama’s baby mama,” a pundit “confused” Obama with Osama and then joked they should both be assassinated, and an anchor called a loving fist bump between Barack and Michelle a “terrorist fist jab.” In February, Bill O’Reilly talked about calling a “lynching party” to deal with Michelle."

The Fox (Faux) News Channel and The New York Post (BOTH of which are holdings of multi-media-mega-prick Rupert Murdoch) have a more than questionable history of nasty and downright contemptuous treatment of Black & Latinos and I am glad to see Nas taking it to the streets old school protest style. Hopefully, his fame and his current chart ranking can garner a little bit more press for this event and open Fox News up to some mainstream criticism of their "opinions-stated-as-facts" brand of news reporting. Shepherd Smith is alright though. You've got to know your enemy yall.

Read The Full Story Here.

Also Visit: Colorofchange.Org AND Moveon.Org For More Details About The Rally This Afternoon.