Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Diddy Blog #27 - Sure, Sarah Palin Is A Scary Bitch, But John McLame Has Just Become Scarier.

Wooooooooooooooooooow! I thought that Diddy was upset when Stefanie used a "Sock Monkey" jack-in-the-box type toy that looked suspiciously like the racist "Sambo" caricature to unsuccessfully illustrate to a room full of Black judges how "surprising" her talents as an assistant would be in the season finale of "I Wanna Work For Diddy" ... lol. This is clearly worse.

According to Diddy, John McLame's "that one" comment, from last night's debate, has him now even more scared of the increasingly despicable Republican presidential ticket! I personally didn't take the "that one" comment to be racist; I just saw an old man tight as H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks that this young whipper snapper named Barack Obama is beating the crap out of him in every poll. I can't front though, John McLame will not be happy if he becomes the 1st White guy in the history of the United States to lose to a Black man running for Commander In Chief.  Fuck the dumb shit yall - it's all about November 4th.

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