Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Diddy Blog #26 = Barack Obama Is Not A Shoo-In. So, What Are Y.O.U. Doing?

As many of my loyal readers certainly know, Sean "Puff" "P. Diddy" "Diddy" Combs, has a very special place here @ Livestyle. The ebb and flow of our relationship is such that sometimes I blame him for ruining large portions of Hip Hop and, @ other times, I am inspired by his immense success and the foresight and vision that got him there. Anyway, with that said, while I have absolutely no inclination to post all of his video blogs (No, I don't need to see anybody on the toilet literally and figuratively "poppin' shit" or eating a bowl of cereal with a "bubble guts" inducing orange juice for milk substitution ... lol), his latest entry is particularly poignant as we enter the home stretch of this historic and crucial election season and deserves to be posted ... everywhere.

Basically, as I have said before, Barack Obama CAN definitely lose this election if we, as his supporters, fail to properly organize and go to the polls come November 4th. Don't let the fact that all of your friends are voting for Obama lull Y.O.U. into a fall sense of security with respect to his chances ... there's a whole lot of Republicans and disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters out there who can't wait to tear this man down. All of the sloganeering, the random rap lyric references and the cool t-shirt wearing in support of the Democratic "people's champ" is great, but none of those actions count as votes homie. Register to vote today and do NOT allow this election to slip away from us. Take nothing for granted. Word up, I will never forgive Y.O.U. for bullshitting on something this serious yo. Let's get it!

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