"Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart met up with Entertainment Weekly to recreate the infamous New Yorker cover and discuss the power of Sarah Palin, why TV news is about as credible as Muzak, and whether Barack Obama is going to be “sworn in on a gay baby.”
As to the Bush administration and the upcoming election, Colbert stated: “Any change is as good as a vacation at this point. I don’t know if you’ve paid much attention to the past eight years, but it has been a s-—t burger supreme. If somebody gives me an empty burger, it’s better than eating s-—t.”
Jon Stewart comments on Sarah Palin saying, “That’s how powerful Palin’s story is—it has cast the first African-American presidential nominee, the oldest [non-incumbent] presidential nominee, and a really wild cork vice presidential candidate completely out of the picture. The press is 6-year-olds playing soccer; nobody has a position, it’s just “Where’s the ball? Where’s the ball? Sarah Palin has the ball!” [Mimes a mob running after her.] Because they can only cover one thing.”
“I keep hearing that she’s ‘like us.’ There’s this idea that people who hunt and have ‘good’ values are somehow this mythological American; I don’t know who ‘this’ person is, I’ve never met them,” he continues. “She is no more typical ‘us’ than I am, than Obama is, than McCain is, than Mr. T is. If there is something quintessentially or authentically American about her, I sort of feel like, you know what? You ‘good values people’ have had the country for eight years, and done an unbelievably s-—ty job. Let’s find some bad values people and give them a shot, maybe they’ll have a better take on it.”
Information Courtesy Of: Coverawards.Com
Read The Full Story Here: Ew.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: While I was more than happy to see this New Yorker cover story die down, if anybody could recreate this infamously distasteful and counterproductive magazine cover and make it's re-emergence as a story a good thing it would have to be these 2 titans of comedy. Believe it or not, their combined wit and hilariously cynical view of politics is, at least, stylistically probably responsible for 50% of the snarky, yet insightful, commentary that you find throughout the blogosphere today. The other 50% belongs to the late great George Carlin, of course.
Jon Stewart has come a looooooong way from working on MTV and I've been a Steven Colbert fan ever since I 1st saw him and Mr. Jellyneck on "Strangers With Candy". Ohhhhhhhhh, Y.O.U. don't know about that show? Yeah, it's some secret comedy society shit ... only the super cool need apply and invest in full season DVDs ... lol. Hmmmmmmm, yeah, I've gotta hit Amazon up and get some "Strangers With Candy" AND "Mr. Show" DVDs ASAP! Good shit.
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