Show runs Sept 10th - Dec. 28th 2008 Brooklyn Historical Society
128 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
J&K vs The Brooklyn Historical Society Sept 10th to Dec 28th
Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718-222-4111
Counter/Culture – The Disappearing Face of Brooklyn’s Storefronts
Curators and photographers: James and Karla Murray
OPENING RECEPTION: Wednesday September 10th 5:30 to 7:30 PM
"Brooklyn’s neighborhood storefronts have the city’s history etched in their facades. Each store is as unique as the customers they serve and are run by owners who share a commitment to provide a special service. Many shops are lifelines for their communities, vital to the residents who depend on them for a multitude of needs. Yet such shops are disappearing on a daily basis as their neighborhoods rapidly change. Photographer-curators James and Karla Murray have scoured Brooklyn to observe “mom and pop” businesses from humble neighborhood stores tucked away on narrow side streets to well-known institutions on historic avenues. Through panoramic photographs, portraits of individual storefronts, and illuminating interviews with shop owners, this exhibition reveals how neighborhood stores help set the pulse, life, and texture of their communities."
Admission:: $6 For Adults/$4 For Students & Seniors
Information Courtesy Of: Brooklynhistory.Org
Visit James & Karla Murray Here: Urbanimagephotography.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: I seriously L.O.V.E. "Old New York". As a capitalist of sorts, I can understand and respect the business opportunities that come with change, but I loathe the disembowling of historic neighborhoods that occurs during gentrification. I actually know some of these shops yo ... this is the New York City that I remember and that I dream of when I'm forced to walk through some newly formed "hipster" enclave in my hometown. My nigga Ojae FYC will L.O.V.E. this exhibit. I'm thinking of forming a trip to go see this installation. Are Y.O.U. down? What's good? Holla @ ya boy in BK!
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