"Long-time friends Nick Cohen (a resident DJ at Southside) and Seth Campbell might one day get their very own word in the Oxford English Dictionary -- "shoewlery." It's like frenemy, but instead of enemies going incognito as friends, they've disguised shoes as jewelry, and the conceit works fabulously. Upper Echelon Shoes is the name of their unisex brand, and the shoes they make aren't just up the echelon -- they top it. Think signature sneakers with chunky 18-karat gold, silver, or gunmetal chains for laces; think Diddy wearing them to the BET awards; think an ad campaign featuring eight Amazonian bombshells wearing nothing but their undies and your shoes. Business, for these boys, is booming. And if they could have anyone in the world sport their kicks, who would it be? "The famous person that we would want wearing our shoes most is also be the person we believe would wear it best: Kate Moss," they say."
100B Forsyth St.
(Broome and Grand Sts.)
Information Courtesy Of: Blackbookmag.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: While I am most notably a champion of subtlety and aristocratic taste when it comes to my garments, I am also a study in stark contrasts and, as such, that aspect does inform some of my purchases. These Upper Echelon Shoes are unisex uncut dope, but, as is the case with any raw opium derivative, are only good in small doses. Y.O.U. not only have to be the right kind of person in order to successfully pull off brandishing these brash bad boys, but it also would help if Y.O.U. were the Bad Boy Diddy himself ... lol.
Seriously, DJ Nick Cohen and boyhood mate Seth Campbell have created the flashy designer statement sneakers of the moment. Kicks like these don't need the wearer to transform the rest of their body into a messy war-torn fashion battlefield where, in a fit of outfit jealousy, the remainder of their ensmeble engages in a bloody fight for the world's attention - no, that's how terrible trips to "Tacky-Land" begin ... lol. Rule Of Thumb: These aren't everyday kicks, so, when wearing a pair of Upper Echelon Shoes, please let your feet do all of the talking. Don't trip, I'll show Y.O.U. how to do this son.
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