Initiative. Take it. Ms. Ava Dior did and now she is currently putting all of Y.O.U. other so-called loyal Livestyle readers to shame! LOL. Nah, I mean, in all honesty, until she chose to "follow" my blog, I had no idea that such an option was available. Now, it's about to be on like Donkey Kong© my nigga!
In light of such promising recent developments, I now expect ALL of Y.O.U. to scroll to the upper right hand of this very screen and click the "Follow This Blog" tab as well. What? Y.O.U. already spend an unhealthy amount of time here anyway, why not become "Guilty By Association" too? Men and women of Livestyle, step out from the shadows of cyberspace and be counted! Y.O.U. know that Y.O.U. want to. Step your game up.

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