In spite of your feelings for or against war, today should not be politicized. What was once just 1 less day that I need attend school during what felt like an excruciatingly long semester has, with age and experience, come to hold a much deeper, more significant meaning to me.
As a child, my military appreciation was based wholly on awesome G.I. Joe cartoons and Rambo movies - 1980's action/adventure fiction it's finest. Neither I, nor most of my friends, could forsee a future that consisted of bonds forged in barracks that would later be tested and, often times, lost in far off lands while on 2nd and 3rd tours of duty. I've never even thought of enlisting in the Army, Navy or whatever, but, with plenty of family and friends that have, I respect all those who unselfishly serve in our Armed Forces.
Today, instead of cartoons and comically dramatic films, I would imagine that most kids understand war from a more personal yet, ironically, more detached place thanks to 1st person shooter video games that numb more than just the thumbs. Now, far be it from me to begrudge the lil homies a much deserved day off from school, but we ALL owe our veterans a debt of gratitude and, @ the very least, a moment of somber reflection. I would like to salute the many men and women who have served, survived and died in service of our country. Thank Y.O.U. may not be enough, but it's all that we have.
Additionally, I would like to personally salute all of the O.G. "veterans" (male and female alike) that helped shape my life - directly or indirectly. I came of age in Brooklyn, New York in the midst of a gangster renaissance where foreign cars steered by teenage tenement millionaires blasted corner store poetry and pigeon toed princesses gazed in amazement. I came of age @ a time when ignorance was nothing to be proud of and intelligence and thoroughness went hand-in-hand. Thank Y.O.U., whether risen, in prison or out here still living, for playing a large part in making me the man that I am. This is Livestyle. Happy Veteran's Day to all and to all a good fight.
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