First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving to Y.O.U. and yours. Now, secondly, I am fully aware of the fact the picture that accompanies this post is NOT an official image of Thanksgiving. Be that as it may, aside from the historical genocide exacted against our Native American brothers and sisters with boxes of bullets and smallpox contaminated blankets, this holiday has come to symbolize family and that's what this picture from 1 of the greatest films ever committed to celluloid, Goodfellas, is all about.
In this world we are far too often faced with the choice of feast or famine and, particularly on a day such as this, it is imperative that we examine what we are truly striving for in our lives and appreciate all that we have already been blessed with. This is about need Vs. greed. Y.O.U. have more than Y.O.U. think that Y.O.U. have. I wish Y.O.U. the best and I sincerely hope and pray that your Thanksgiving is full of L.O.V.E. and food ... lol. Be grateful. Be faithful. This is Livestyle.
Context is king. If Y.O.U. are @ all unfamiliar with the masterpiece that is Goodfellas, then the image included in this entry, sadly, holds no meaning. However, if Y.O.U. are a venerable virtuoso of gangster flicks like I am, then Y.O.U. know exactly what events brought Henry Hill, Jimmy Conway and Tommy DeVito to Tommy's elderly mother's house and why they are getting their heavy Guinea grub on in the middle of the night. The video provided should help explain yet another 1 of my random pop culture references and give some context to "this thing of ours". Shit is real.
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