Available Online Here: Realrealgenuine.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Flashback to a time not so long ago, say the late 1990's, and 1 would be hard pressed to hear me utter the word "real" in referring to my "Alpha Male" exploits or, worse still, the phrase "I keep it real" when attempting to convince others of my authentic nature and corresponding interests.
Jamie Foxx may "Blame It On The Alcohol", however, I blame my aversion during that time to the word "real" and all associated catch phrases because, well, it had become a catch phrase. When everybody's "real", nobody is "real" ... lol. Be not fooled, the tentacles of trendoid monsters reach far beyond mere fashion and music - they can even touch and corrupt well meaning and, normally, good and trustworthy words like "real". Times change, as does the slang that defines each generation and, today, the word that is currently under siege and is being threatened daily with pop-culture extinction is "swagger".
It's funny, Y.O.U. would think that the word "swagger" was just invented, what with the way that it is bandied about by everyone in an empty effort to explain what they perceive as "cool". Therein lies the problem my dear Livestyle readers and, also, part of the answer as to why I introduced this brilliant blog in the very 1st place. Because true "swagger" and "flyness" and any other popular word used to describe an individuals style (NOTE: NOT to be confused with fashion) and charisma cannot be quantified solely by such brittle, devalued terms, much of what I write here is intended to restore the balance and provide Y.O.U. with certain benchmarks of quality. Y.O.U. cannot purchase "swagger" - it is an effortless "cool" that only a few are blessed to have. Lucky Y.O.U. - Y.O.U. don't even know you're own strength, do Y.O.U.?
Now, what does this rambling rant have to do with Real Real Genuine and their fine apparel? Good question. Well, for their Spring 2009 range they have released the super simple yet super cool Real Real Genuine "REAL" Matthews crew neck sweatshirt and I am all over it like white on rice my nigga ... lol. Admittedly, this company is new to me, but, from the collections that I have seen, I continue to be impressed with their classic cuts and silhouettes along with their care and attention to detail when crafting their clothes.
Back in the day, I would have NEVER owned any article of clothing that had "real" emblazoned across the chest, but, now that the word has cooled off some and has successfully made it's way off of the "Played Out" list, I can fuxs with these pieces in good conscience.
Right now, the word "swagger" is on my "Words-To-Avoid-Using-As-Much-As-Possible" list, but who knows? Maybe 1 day in the not so distant future another word will take it's place in pop-culture and it too will become an ironic icon that I would consider wearing plastered on some random t-shirt or something. Maybe not. LOL. It is what it is.
Jamie Foxx may "Blame It On The Alcohol", however, I blame my aversion during that time to the word "real" and all associated catch phrases because, well, it had become a catch phrase. When everybody's "real", nobody is "real" ... lol. Be not fooled, the tentacles of trendoid monsters reach far beyond mere fashion and music - they can even touch and corrupt well meaning and, normally, good and trustworthy words like "real". Times change, as does the slang that defines each generation and, today, the word that is currently under siege and is being threatened daily with pop-culture extinction is "swagger".
It's funny, Y.O.U. would think that the word "swagger" was just invented, what with the way that it is bandied about by everyone in an empty effort to explain what they perceive as "cool". Therein lies the problem my dear Livestyle readers and, also, part of the answer as to why I introduced this brilliant blog in the very 1st place. Because true "swagger" and "flyness" and any other popular word used to describe an individuals style (NOTE: NOT to be confused with fashion) and charisma cannot be quantified solely by such brittle, devalued terms, much of what I write here is intended to restore the balance and provide Y.O.U. with certain benchmarks of quality. Y.O.U. cannot purchase "swagger" - it is an effortless "cool" that only a few are blessed to have. Lucky Y.O.U. - Y.O.U. don't even know you're own strength, do Y.O.U.?
Now, what does this rambling rant have to do with Real Real Genuine and their fine apparel? Good question. Well, for their Spring 2009 range they have released the super simple yet super cool Real Real Genuine "REAL" Matthews crew neck sweatshirt and I am all over it like white on rice my nigga ... lol. Admittedly, this company is new to me, but, from the collections that I have seen, I continue to be impressed with their classic cuts and silhouettes along with their care and attention to detail when crafting their clothes.
Back in the day, I would have NEVER owned any article of clothing that had "real" emblazoned across the chest, but, now that the word has cooled off some and has successfully made it's way off of the "Played Out" list, I can fuxs with these pieces in good conscience.
Right now, the word "swagger" is on my "Words-To-Avoid-Using-As-Much-As-Possible" list, but who knows? Maybe 1 day in the not so distant future another word will take it's place in pop-culture and it too will become an ironic icon that I would consider wearing plastered on some random t-shirt or something. Maybe not. LOL. It is what it is.
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