"Sometimes a shoe comes along that just makes you go "wow". This is one of those shoes. The colour, the box, the fact that it looks just as good from above as it does from any other angle, meaning that you get to look down on such loveliness every time you wear them - everything about these has left me wishing I could find a spare $695 down the back of the couch, so I could make them mine.
They're available to buy direct from Valentino."
Information Courtesy Of: Shoewawa.Com
Available Online Here: Valentino.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: As Winter and Spring now play tug-of-war with our days, it is time for my ladies to seriously start considering what their open toe shoe game is going to look like for Summer oh-9. NOTE: Your participation in this conversation requires honesty and self awareness on your part. If Y.O.U. know that Y.O.U. have bunions and your pedicure truly demands an emphasis on the "cure", then, this post is not for Y.O.U. - you've got a few issues to sort out 1st ma ... lol.
The Livestyle ethos is a curious mix of selective conservatism and color; knowing when to stand out, stand up or stand back in this world of ours. With all of that standing, Y.O.U. need a few good pairs of shoes! All shoes are effectively "statement" shoes - they all say something about the wearer - however, some statements are more grandiose and worthwhile than others. Case in point: The Valentino high-heeled peep toe couture bow half d'Orsay sandals for Summer 2009. These turquoise trinkets look like a pair of sophisticated Tiffany Nike Dunks ... lol. Fear not young lass, patent leather can be your friend. Slip these on for a nice sunny day and watch all of the jealous stares that you'll receive in the brilliant reflection off of your super shiny heels. Eat your hearts out bitches.
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