"Have a college degree, 250 Twitter followers and a blog? Then you can be a senior manager at Best Buy!
by Nicholas Deleon on July 14, 2009
Well, could have been a senior manager—the job seems to have already been filled. Still, let’s talk about it. Best Buy recently posted a job ad on its Web site looking for someone who would be “The primary lead for the Best Buy’s mobile, social, and video marketing and media efforts to drive in-store and online sales, create sustainable word-of-mouth evangelists, and brand loyalists.” Yup, that’s what a senior manager of emerging media does. No soul required, it seems.
You know a job is suspect when the entire Crunch Family (CrunchGear, MobileCrunch, TechCrunch, CrunchCrunch, etc.) qualifies, no questions asked. Here’s what Best Buy was looking for:
• Bachelors degree Liberal Arts, Marketing, Interactive Marketing, New Media, Business Administration or related
• 2 plus years of mobile or social media marketing experience at an Agency director level, strategist level, or brand interactive director level
• 4 plus years People or resource leadership experience
• 1 plus years of active blogging experience
• 250 plus followers on Twitter
A graduate degree is “preferred,” but who needs an education when you have Twitter followers? (Am I right?!)
Too bad the position was already filled. Not that Best Buy would have hired me, given my opinion of it."
Information Courtesy Of: Crunchgear.Com
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: As each of our lives become more and more enmeshed with the internet Matrix-like grid, I now find it completely apropos to paraphrase the B.lack M.afia F.amily middle finger flaunting slogan that once proudly adorned a Billboard along a stretch of highway in Atlanta, Georgia and announce that, "Twitter Rules The World".
While I am a noted technophobe, I was not dragged kicking and screaming to join this latest "The Truman Show" T.oo M.uch I.nformation invention - in fact, I signed up with little to no loss of sleep with regard to the matter. Let it be formally known that, I Chris Live AKA Shaker - Reputable O.G., MC and founder and curator of Livestyle - have nothing against shameless self promotion ... lol.
Anyway, ixnay the ollegecay egreeday and, apparently, I would be the perfect candidate to head the newly created Emerging Media Marketing Job @ the reigning Wal-Mart of electronic super stores, Best Buy. Hoping to better incorporate new media technology and bolster their online communications presence, about 4 weeks ago, Best Buy "twittered" (NOTE: Yes, my nagging nerd friends, I am fully aware that the correct applicable term is "tweet", however, that word is too sugar coated for me ... lol) that the company was in search of a senior manager for this newfangled J-O-B. 250 followers on Twitter ... check! I can quadruple that amount early and, coupled with my peerless peer-to-peer social networking skills, I could body this lane of the marketing game!
Alas, believe it or not, even with such stringent qualification standards, this position @ Best Buy has already been filled ... I know, unbelievable, right? LOL. Don't trip though my nig, expect to see a gang of listings for these type of created consultant gigs in the near future. Shiiiiiiiiiit, if all I need is some bullshit ass 250 followers (They really must not know how easy this is ... lol) and a poppin' ass blog such as the 1 that Y.O.U. are now fixed on, then I am ready to go legit! Let's get it!
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