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CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Once, during 1 of many conversations regarding the state of Hip Hop with my good friend Paul Parris, I was shocked and amazed that he was shocked and amazed by the mini-uproar that Kanye West ignited amongst true "Lo-Heads", most specifically Lo-Lifes, by some of his irresponsible comments concerning his affinity for Ralph Lauren Polo gear. Paul Parris could not, for the life of him, understand how anybody could lay claim to the popular promulgation of Polo wears. It was waaaaaaaaaaay beyond his realm of comprehension how anybody could take offense to Kanye's assertion that Ralph Lauren was boring before he wore his clothing. Oh GOD, please bless my friend Paul Parris and his Bahamas born/Delaware raised heart - like so many people outside of New York City (and Brooklyn in particular) he simply was not equipped with the official unofficial history of Lo in the hood and, therefore, was unaware of how Brooklyn boys and girls completely changed the world of fashion.
Of course, Ralph Lipschitz had been successful with the Polo brand nearly since it's inception in 1967, but we took his fame to new and prolific levels. Ralph Lauren's classic (READ: W.hite A.nglo S.axon P.rotestant - nevermind that he is actually Jewish) American aesthetic was never intended for urban consumption. Hip Hop has always embraced, deconstructed and reinvisioned pop-culture - we sample records and anything else that we so choose. Yes, akin to DJ's exacting their creative brilliance on select sections of dusty, obscure records, we liberally "sampled" the best of Ralph Lauren's garments and gave them a glorious gutter makeover. Polo Country knits and "Circle" ski gooses received the same innovative treatment as we layered Sportsman button ups over Executive Bear knits and tied Yacht Club scarves around our faces, like street cowboys hopping on the MTA iron horse.
Now, it is worth mentioning @ this time that, although I have lived a life of Lo, I am NO Lo-Life. In fact, as I have addressed here before, I was raised as a Baby Decept off of Franklin Avenue and Union Street in the heart of Crown Heights Brooklyn. Some people think that anybody who has a closet stuffed full of Polo is a Lo-Life and others think that, if Y.O.U. weren't a Lo-Life, then to own an excessive amount of Lo was verboten. LOL. Silly hipsters, tricks are for kids. The truth is that merely having amassed an impressive collection of vintage Polo (like I have) is not now, nor was it ever, enough to qualify an individual as a true Lo-Life. After all of the hammers, boxcutters and icepick wars on the Franklin Avenue Shuttle train, I have since grown and linked with some real niggas from all sides of the game - Decepticons, Lo-Lifes, Ralphie's Kids, Face Heads, BMW, Izod Posse, Steam Team, Guess Hoez and so on and so on. Today, in spite of our different affiliations, we share a common history and an unbreakable bond birthed in the streets during the grimey 90's - it's a mutual respect thing, feel me? In summation, sorry, that little Asian kid with all of the Polo might have an nice selection of vintage I.T.'s , but, chances are, he is no Lo-Life ... lol. It is what it is.
Anyway, though this post may be a rant, it is not a pointless ramble. No, this post is a primer for the uninitiated and a beautiful reminder for all of those who really know what time it is. The re-release of the celebrated Ralph Lauren "Cookie" Ranger Boot is serious business my nigga. Nothing can beat the O.G. green label Polo Country "Cookie" boots, but Y.O.U. would be hard pressed to find those in deadstock condition or, for that matter, really any condition worth wearing nowadays. So, with that said, these re-releases are the next best thing. Y.O.U. already know. Good shit.

im Asian and i rock polo. i dont claim shit.
LOL. That's nice to know. For the record though, people of ALL races claim shit that they are not - this was not directed strictly @ Asians. Furthermore, I'm talking to people who see somebody rockin' Lo heavy and assume that person is a Lo-Life.
All of that shit aside, Asian or not, Y.O.U. know the type of people that I'm talking about. Had I said a Black kid, would Y.O.U. have felt better?
I too was offended when Kanye tried to infer that he somehow got people wearing Polo. I too am from Crown Heights, Brooklyn... (1038 Union St btwn Franklin Ave and Bedford Ave) and I grew up on Polo. From the P-wing track jackets, to Snow Beach pullovers, to the Polo boots, I embodied Polo to the fullest.
And I actually have these original LO boots in the dark brown color in almost mint condition. My older brother had a few pair back when we were younger and he kept them in pristine condition. He eventually grew out of them and now I own them. These re-releases are cool, but the originals have that nostalgic #3-train feel to them.
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