Barack Obama To Joe Biden: "Pssst! You've got the job."
Text message:
Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on http://www.BarackObama.com.. Spread the word!
Friend --
I have some important news that I want to make official.
I've chosen Joe Biden to be my running mate.
Joe and I will appear for the first time as running mates this afternoon in Springfield, Illinois -- the same place this campaign began more than 19 months ago.
I'm excited about hitting the campaign trail with Joe, but the two of us can't do this alone. We need your help to keep building this movement for change.
Please let Joe know that you're glad he's part of our team. Share your personal welcome note and we'll make sure he gets it:
Thanks for your support,
P.S. -- Make sure to turn on your TV at 2:00 p.m. Central Time to join us or watch online athttp://www.BarackObama.com.
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Joe Biden DOES have a tendency to run his mouth and say some off-color shit from time-to-time and the Republicans are going to exploit that for all that it's worth. I aint trippin' though, the Republican misinformation and smear machine would do that with ANYBODY that Obama chose ... it is what it is. Let's see if Joe Biden's extensive experience with foreign policy can convince older White voters that Barack is not such a risky choice after all.
Oh yeah, all you fake ass feminists that are still blaming Obama for beating Hillary need to wake up and realize that he needs and deserves your full support as Democrats - don't cut your witch like noses off to spite your smug faces simply because your candidate lost in the primaries. Get over it.
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