Diamonds Aren’t Forever
A week after publicists linked her husband to "106 & Park" hostess Rocsi,
LisaRaye and T&C (Turks & Caicos) Premier are officially on the outs.
Yesterday Page Six reported the "All of Us" starlet was looking to work things out:
"It's not that she would miss him, she would miss her position," Page Six
sources said. "She's grown accustomed to the lifestyle - the gifts, the cars, the status."
But Premier Michael Misick dropped a bomb today by issuing this statement:
“I am announcing that I am separated from LisaRaye McCoy-Misick.
I am committed to dissolving the marriage amicably.
I believe that this is a private matter and will have no further comments.
I hope that our privacy will be respected”
Rebel Talking: This reminds me of that crazy scene in Player’s Club,
when Diamond (Lisa Raye) caught her man with her slutty cousin.
Obviously Rocsi is playing the role of the slutty cousin here.
Information Source: SOHH.Com
I am not the least bit mad @ this situation ... all this means is that Lisa Raye is back on the market. In related news, this Rocsi chick is turning into a global ho with special surface-to-air jumpoff missle capabilities. It is what it is.

It's Party Time!
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