Have you ever wanted to perfrom the gesture of calling somebody without taking the horrible risk of actually having to potentially speak to them? No? Quit the bloodclot lyin'! We ALL have. Well, here comes Slydial! Slydial is a 3rd party service that you call and then, through sheer technological trickery, they directly patch you into the voicemail of whatever number you provide them! Because sometimes the last thing that I want to do is talk to you @ all; I just want to place the "ball in your court" and keep it moving. LOL. Oh yeah, it's allegedly a good and practical service if you want to contact somebody @ an inopportune time without blowin' up their phone like that too. Try it out and report back to me yall.
"Summary box: Slydial helps avoid awkward exchanges
By The Associated Press – 1 day ago
CONVERSATION AVOIDANCE: Slydial is a free service offering a reprieve from awkward or hectic moments by letting people leave messages for other people without actually talking to them.
MESSAGES ONLY: Slydial connects users directly with another person's cell phone voice mail, bypassing the rings.
BE SLY: Call (267) SLY-DIAL from a cell phone or landline that has the caller ID feature activated. The service generally won't work from prepaid cell phones."
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