I was 1st introduced to this immensely popular book about 3-4 years ago. At the outset, my expectations where that I would, by reading this manual, become privy to the secrets of taking over the world by sheer savviness and cunning. You know, something like "How To NOT Make Friends And Still Influence People" ... lol.
I have since come to view this book as more of a guidline sort of thing that should not be taken completely literally. In the wrong hands, some of the lessons contained herein could serve to be the most combustible of materials for that powder keg of paranoia in you! Be cool fool ... it aint that serious. On the other hand, if applied with good reason and intention, alot of these rules are good money. You've gotta navigate this world the right way and, in my opinion, be careful to not confuse strategy with craftiness and flatout foulness yo. Read it and tell me what your thoughts are on the book. By the way, YES, this is Summer reading and, come school time, this might be on the test. You can't afford to fuck around!
E-Book Download Link: Prince Machiavelli + Robert Greene = The 48 Laws Of Power

This Post Is Captain O.G. Readmore Approved!
My fav law - Attract Attention at All Costs. Try me, I'll Ace your test. Eaaaasy.
My fav law - Attract Attention at All Costs. Try me, I'll Ace your test. Eaaaasy.
My favorite would be "Win through your actions, Never through argument. "
Haaa...this coming from a Puerto Rican.
I agree whole-heartedly with what you said about not taking this book literally. Some of those are just really foul sounding. It's definitely interesting though.
I may not ace a test. ;-)
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