CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Kanye West and his sexxxy cyborg goddess assembled from the parts of lesser strippers, Amber Rose, hit the streets of Paris yesterday on their way to the Louis Vuitton Menswear show fully fur down! That's right yall ... fuck PETA! *Cue Cody Chesnutt Voice* "I look good in leather" ... and fur ... lol. Good shit!
The wages of success tantalize many artists and even tempt the respective audiences of such talents with the promise of mainstream validation - even @ the risk of "selling out". This was the close-call that Cody Chesnutt experienced in 2002.
His double LP, O.G. 4-track analog recorded gem "The Headphone Masterpiece" was an introduction to his retro-before-retro-meant-DayGlo®-colors-and-sperm-killingly-tight-jeans stylized world by invite only. Blogs weren't everywhere like they are today (either that OR I simply was not that aware of them), so I was left to scour LimeWire (Remember that?) for loose Cody Chesnutt songs to get my fix.
I thought that he had next. Unfortunately, he did not. Truthfully, maybe he didn't want household name fame @ the expense of his art and his sanity. Respect that man.
Anyway, I made reference to his "hit" song "I Look Good In Leather" and have made it available to Y.O.U. in the hopes of furthering your complete social refinement. You're welcome. You're ALL welcome!
His double LP, O.G. 4-track analog recorded gem "The Headphone Masterpiece" was an introduction to his retro-before-retro-meant-DayGlo®-colors-and-sperm-killingly-tight-jeans stylized world by invite only. Blogs weren't everywhere like they are today (either that OR I simply was not that aware of them), so I was left to scour LimeWire (Remember that?) for loose Cody Chesnutt songs to get my fix.
I thought that he had next. Unfortunately, he did not. Truthfully, maybe he didn't want household name fame @ the expense of his art and his sanity. Respect that man.
Anyway, I made reference to his "hit" song "I Look Good In Leather" and have made it available to Y.O.U. in the hopes of furthering your complete social refinement. You're welcome. You're ALL welcome!
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