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CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: As sure as April showers make way for May flowers and warmer weather guarantees that sleek waxed drumsticks and pedicured toesies make a triumphant return to the city streets, I am also certain that this post, while clearly off-season, will be much appreciated nonetheless - after all, a Livestyle lady is nothing if not 10 steps ahead of the crowded pedestrian curve. *Cue Fabolous Voice* "There is no competition". To that end, allow me to present to Y.O.U. the Fall/Winter 2010-2011 Christian Louboutin "Armony" Ankle Boots with removable cuff.
The most decorated general of high heeled luxury marches signature red soles ablaze into the Fall season with a magnificent pair of stilt-like booties that take a yellowed page from the very old school military wear handbook and feature a flannel leather trimmed spat that artfully wraps around the ankle instep.
These beauties are perfect for the girl who can balance herself astride a good death defying shoe AND can balance her checkbook as well - @ $1,395 these booties aint made for rookies ... lol. Army and Navy Surplus this is NOT. LOL! Good shit.
The most decorated general of high heeled luxury marches signature red soles ablaze into the Fall season with a magnificent pair of stilt-like booties that take a yellowed page from the very old school military wear handbook and feature a flannel leather trimmed spat that artfully wraps around the ankle instep.
These beauties are perfect for the girl who can balance herself astride a good death defying shoe AND can balance her checkbook as well - @ $1,395 these booties aint made for rookies ... lol. Army and Navy Surplus this is NOT. LOL! Good shit.
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