Friday, October 3, 2008

Nintendo Wii Japanese Fall Conference Preview Reel 2008.

This is merely a sample of the awesomeness that Nintendo intends to unleash on the globe for the 2008 holiday season and throughout 2009 for their popular Wii system. Some of the games shown early in this clip are basuda party type games or some shit for kids, however, once you get to the middle of this reel they bust out with the heavy titles like Punch-Out, Street Fighter and Capcom Vs. Tatsunoko. There are waaaaaaay more games featured in this clip, but A) I don't play video games all that much, therefore the more obscure games are unintelligible to me and B) I do not speak Japanese, gomen ne.

In Related News: Dude, have Y.O.U. ever played Wii bowling while drunk ... @ a bar? If Y.O.U. haven't played that OR Big Buck Hunter (which is NOT a Wii game, but you already know that, right?) @ your favorite watering hole, then, Y.O.U. are seriously missing out homie. Your fun levels are depleted and you might need assistance ... lol.

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