"Scoop Donates A Million To StealBackYourvote.org
Tuesday, 14 October 2008, 7:49 pm
Press Release: The Scoop Team
Scoop Donates 1 Million Advert Impressions To Greg Palast and Robert F. Kennedy's StealYourVoteBack.Org
Press Release
Scoop Independent News
Stealing candy from supermarkets is small kumaras (similar to potatoes) compared to stealing the White House for a third time. The crooks in America are out to steal something much more valuable than a $2 Whittaker's peanut slab (read as Hersheys)– your vote. And what can you do to combat these vote-nabbing villains? Steal it right back!
Steal Back Your Vote (http://www.stealbackyourvote.org/), the brainchild of reporter Greg Palast and law professor Robert F. Kennedy, puts the power back in the hands of the public with an investigative comic book and accompanying film. Their witty, non-partisan voter guide clarifies six insidious vote fraud tactics and provides seven easy steps each citizen can take to ensure that his or her ballot doesn't end up on the cutting room floor."
Read The Full Press Release Here: Scoop.Co.Nz
Visit Stealbackyourvote.Org Here: Stealbackyourvote.Org/
CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: This is the world we live in and it is up to each and every 1 of us to apprise ourselves of the technicalities and various voter supression tactics that are already in place waiting to systematically trap and subsequently void tens-of-thousands of our votes come November 4th. It's time to Barack The Vote. As always, it bears repeating - take nothing for granted.
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