Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday Night Reader: Nicholas Capaldi - The Art of Deception: How To: Win An Argument, Defend A Case, Recognize A Fallacy, See Through Deception, Persuade A Skeptic, Turn Defeat Into Victory.

Download Link: Nicholas Capaldi - The Art of Deception: How To: Win An Argument, Defend A Case, Recognize A Fallacy, See Through Deception, Persuade A Skeptic, Turn Defeat Into Victory

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Understandably, whereas some might impulsively dismiss this book as little more than a malicious manual chock-full of manipulative drivel designed to capitalize on our collective distrust and passively reinforce our worst fears of one another, I prefer to view this bestseller a bit differently.

To be sure, if placed in the wrong hands, the lessons contained in Nicholas Capaldi's 1987 classic "The Art of Deception: How To: Win An Argument, Defend A Case, Recognize A Fallacy, See Through Deception, Persuade A Skeptic, Turn Defeat Into Victory" could easily be used as an abusive intellectual weapon, however, if applied thoughtfully - and with good measure - I believe could prove equally invaluable to those of us whom strategically employ varying degrees of persuasion on a daily basis as a matter of cognitive social reasoning. Some people call it "game", but I just call it understanding.

I have not read 1 page of this book YET, but I'm finna to press "PLAY" full force on this audiobook and let the good times roll! Now, who's ready for some Michael And Ping's-grade tasty food for thought? Holla @ ya boy in BK!

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