Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rihanna - We Found Love (Official Music Video)

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Word up, I almost didn't even post this video because the Chris Brown look-a-like(?) in this shit has more than a little too much sugar in his tank. This estrogen filled cream puff threatens the integrity of this video with each and every frame that he skips into, but, Rihanna ... ohhhhhhhhhh, Rihanna makes everything alright.

Furthermore, I can appreciate (NOTE: Although unoriginal in concept and most likely predatory in its usage, given the fact that today's youth are painfully uninformed and proud, making it that much easier to pass-off pre-shrunk ideas as new and "cutting edge".) the drug fueled toxic-romance subtext with a British twist ala Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen intermeshed with Rih-Rih's real life relationship woes for this clip, sooooooooooooooooo, yeah, "We Found Love" gets a day pass ... lol. Cheers!

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