Wednesday, September 14, 2011

XXL Magazine Presents: Break Ya Neck: Tahiry's Rearview Butt-Cam = 100% #LUSTY.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Ladies and gentlemen of Livestyle, I lustily submit to Y.O.U. what is quite possibly the greatest recorded urban social experiment in the history of behavioral science. Thank Y.O.U. XXL Magazine ... your selfless contribution to the advancement of the study of bountiful backsides shall not be forgotten ... lol.

Do yall see the havoc that this ass is wreaking on niggas necks b!? Bear witness as men AND women alike BOTH catch the sneaky whiplash as shorty struts her fluffy stuff down a crowded 125th Street in Harlem, USA. Dog, she's doing all this in a pair of standard issue Nike Air Max and workout sweats ... no heels; no special effects.

Dammitman! Right about now, Tahiry Jose has arguably got - and in this deceptive era where build-a-body glorified strippers rule the world I mean this in every GOD given sense of the word - the REALEST backyard in the game my nigga! Wooooooooooooow! *Wipes drool* Stop playing.

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