Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rick Ross, Gucci Pucci x Co. Confront Kreayshawn Backstage @ The 2011 MTV VMA's x Footage Of Señor Rozay's 2011 VMA Weekend In L.A.

Get More: 2011 VMA, Music



CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: "Where they taking Stretch?". LOL! That White bitch sounded scary as all H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks once her token Black male protector was unceremoniously booted from the backstage area of the 2011 MTV VMA's by L.A.'s worst. SMH. Shiiiiiiiit, that might have been the best thing to ever happen to Kreayshawn's super friend though because, from the looks of things, them M.aybach M.usic G.roup goons had homeboy lined all the way the fuck up! That single act of divine intervention may have very well saved that man's life. Hey, if there's 1 thing that an ex-C.orrections O.fficer knows how to do, it's restrain a muthafucka ... lol. Stop playing. *Cue Rick Ross Voice* "Fuck a blog dog, 'cause one day we gon' meet ... I'ma spazz on yo ass like I'm on E!" Ha haaaaaaaaaa!

In related news, when not personally confronting vapid children in contraband possession of USTREAM.TV accounts and rabid tongues, Señor Rozay spent the rest of his 2011 MTV VMA's holiday weekend tearing up the "City Of Angels" like a true "Teflon Don"! "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWSE!"

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