Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Apparently, Watching The Carter IV Is A Whole Lot Funnier Than Watching The Throne AKA No Country For Zubaz Zebra Jeggings.

Funny Ass Picture Courtesy Of: Deftronic.Com

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: In the interest of full disclosure, as I somewhat alluded to in today's 1st post, I didn't really watch the 2011 MTV VMA's. So, that having been said, I deadass had no idea - even after posting the video, which I again never bothered to view (NOTE: Blogging is NOT my life. Meet me in the trap whoadie.) - that Lil "Weezy F. Baby" Wayne was trotting around on stage during his performance on maximum flame in a pair of Zubaz nut huggers looking like Peggy Bundy circa 1989! What in the bloodclot kind of shit is this Blood-not wearing!? Like, why would he do this!? Niggas is buggin' the fuck out and yall are letting them rock like it's cool!? SMH. Our youth are in major trouble b. Chill. #JOKESONDECK.

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