Friday, May 13, 2011

Kanye West Brings Out Jay-Z To "Party In The Garden" @ MoMA In NYC 05/10/11.



CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Exactly 2 nights ago Kanye West performed a sneaky concert @ the M.useum O.f M.orden A.rt (MoMA) in NYC for their annual Spring-is-here fete, "Party In The Garden" benefit and, lo and behold, Jay-Z hit the stage. I was supposed to get tickets to this! Whatevs. All I know is that since Mr. West, Mr. West and Young Vito are both clearly NOT watching any barber chairs while in the midst of hardcore record mode that had better mean that their combined sights are fixed on the "throne" ... because "H.A.M." aint gonna do it brothers ... lol. Holla @ ya boy in BK!

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