Wednesday, January 26, 2011

President Obama's 2011 State Of The Union Address = Yup, "We Do Big Things!"

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: A day after President Obama addressed the nation, I have heard some commentators dismissively label his 2011 State Of The Union speech as just a "pep rally". Really? Fine. We are each entitled to our opinion no matter how obtuse. That having been said, now my question to all members of the cult of the impossibly cynical is, "What's so wrong with that?"

Last night, live from Flatbush, Brooklyn, in the living room of my partner A's crib, I sat - nickel plastic cup of Hennessey Privilege in hand - on the edge of my seat and watched as our President masterfully used the guitar pick of nostalgia to pluck the strings of U.S. pride and serenade us ALL with yet another song called "Hope". This was the remix. Actually, I think the real name of the song as it will appear next Tuesday on Apple iTunes® is "We Do Big Things". Whaaaaaaat!? Fuck John Boehner and his pink choke tie wearing yawning ass. Y.O.U. damn right my President is Black ... lol. Good shit!

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