Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nicki Minaj Covers V Magazine

The First Lady Of LiveStyle Says: "The Birth of a Star...." But is she really a star? After seeing the picture of Nicki's almost identical outfit for her recent birthday extravaganza in Miami, I was more than just disappointed. Seeing that I thought it was unflattering for a barbie (NOTE: I refuse to call her a LiveStyle Lady) not because she isn't great at what she does, but because I find it hard to respect Y.O.U. for being unoriginal. A.K.A. A BITER! lol. #aishashrugs. It's one thing to clearly study one of the greats and draw inspiration, however, it's another thing entirely to steal somebody else's image and refuse to give credit where it is so evidently due. Lyrics from Kim's diss record Black Friday speak the truth.
"This aint a championship fight I’ve been the greatest
See the fact is, what you doing I did it.
Lames trying to clone my style, run with it
Thats cool, I was the first one with it."

With that being said...

Signing Off...


As a LiveStyle rule, I couldn't mention a diss record and not post it.

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