Thursday, January 27, 2011

All White Everything ... Again!? Snow Way José.

(Behold a view of the tree tops in my untouched backyard as seen from my bathroom window this morning @, say, around 9AM or so.)

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: For what seems like the gazzilionth time this season, New York City has been pimp slapped like a dirty little snow hoe by yet another record-breaking storm. Smh.

Have Y.O.U. ever heard of "thundersnow"? Thunderstorms, yes ... we have ALL endured the sopping wet, clothes drenching, cloud clapping, electric lightning fireworks theater in the sky that is a good ole thunderstorm. But, fucking THUNDERSNOW!? What the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks is that!? Well, it happened last night accompanied by a schizophrenic mix of rain, sleet, hail and whatever else Mother Nature had in her arsenal to throw @ us. FUN FACT: We still have 2 months left for Winter 2011. Yaaaaaay! In related, more upbeat news, the days are, however, getting longer with the Sun setting a little later after 5PM each day now. Help is on the way!

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