Sunday, December 12, 2010

Curt@!n$ x #Killer Tape Release Party @ Prohibit NYC 12/14/2010.

The First Lady of LiveStyle Says: Follow me. I got a phone call last night from my other brother from another mother @OdYHsL in regards to his blood brother Curt@!n$ #Killertape release party. If Y.O.U. have any idea as to what has been going on with the Leader of the Free World @DopeBoyC, Y.O.U. know the music is #killer, the party will be #killer and if Y.O.U. know whats best for Y.O.U, you'll be in attendance @ Prohibit this Tuesday. Plus, it's only right Y.O.U. come show L.O.V.E. to my fellow LiveStyle family.

Signing Off...

Shout out to my homie Akstar for a series of #killer artwork for the project. It's such a small world. I've seen Ak's artwork for years but had no idea he was involved until recently. I'm coming to the conclusion that my friends are simply cooler than yours. #aishashrugs.

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