Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Your Midday Court Ordered Dose Of TxA: Booty Poppin' 101 With Professor Lastarya = ClASS Is In Session!

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: It is truly one of life's cruelest twists of fate that only certified whores can move like this! SMH. However, as long as Y.O.U. cannot contract S.T.D.'s from simply viewing such smutastic material, I encourage all to view the lovely Lastarya putting on a booty popping clinic in what appears to be her living room. Shorty don't even look like she's trying and it is precisely that effortless S-E-X-cellence that I find most endearing ... lol. Who loves ya baby!? You're welcome. You're ALL welcome!

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