Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ryan Leslie Brings Out Lloyd Banks x Fabolous To Perform "Start It Up" Last Night Live @ S.O.B.'s In NYC @ ThisIsRnB.Com.

Ryan Leslie Brings Out Fabolous & Lloyd Banks from ThisIsRnB on Vimeo.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Yes, believe it or not, when NOT being New York City's most recognized hub for lackluster Hip Hop showcases that serve as little more than public viewings for the dead careers of so many mixtape artists, the legendary S.ounds O.f B.razil (NOTE: Yup! That's what S.O.B.'s stands for Y.O.U. son's of bitches! LOL) actually throws a good show or 2.

Last night, Ryan Leslie - the Black Doogie Howser-like genius who left Harvard to become 1 of the 1st people to understand and subsequently manipulate Myspace Music's "plays per day" numbers to his and Cassie's benefit - brought out Lloyd Banks and Fabolous to "Start It Up" for the crowd 1 time! We like surprises! Good shit!

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