Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jay ElecLeBronica @ ItsTheReal.Com = Hilarious! x A Special LiveStyle Commentary On Not Believing The Hype.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: No, I have NOT made any posts concerning the recent surprise signing of Jay Electronica to Jay-Z's fledgling Roc Nation record label. Now, I could chalk that up to not feeling the need to cover the story simply because I trust that Y.O.U. have done your due diligence and read about it @ 1 million other blogs, but that would be a red herring on my part. The GOD honest truth is that I simply don't really fuck with this dude ... point, blank, period.

As previously discussed, I believe Jay Electronica to be an overrated, albeit talented MC, who has benefited ridiculously from reverse-regionalism (NOTE: Basically, the strange phenomena that occurs when, mainly East Coast people, overreact to the fact that somebody from no further south than Virgina and, say, no further west than Chicago can actually spit and proceed to heap waaaaaaaaay too much praise on them like a blind greeter handing out lei's @ Honolulu International Airport).

Furthermore, in interviews, he's pretty much proven himself to be one of those always annoying "If-only-I-use-a-superfluous-amount-of-vocabulary-words-people-will-automatically-think-that-I'm-smart" kind of rappers that, when placed in front of a camera for a quick Q&A wastes no time in transforming into a psychobabble spewing idiot. Oh yeah, did I mention that he's currently under the spell of bohemian big booty enchantress Ms. Erykah Badu? Yeah, this is a recipe for disaster my nigga ... lol.

Anyway, this post, while about Jay-Z's newest acquisition, isn't really about Jay-Z's newest acquisition. See, them boys over @ ItsTheReal did it again, so this post is ALL about their parody of LeBron James's Nike "Rise" commercial starring ole trap jaw himself, Jay Elec-I'm-yawning-ica ... lol.

Hey, I can say 1 good thing about Badu's boo: At least he was savvy enough to NOT become another 1 of Diddy's permanently shelved tax-write offs ... and that's a GREAT start ... lol. Holla @ ya boy in BK!

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