Monday, October 25, 2010

The Lebron James "Rise" Nike Commercial = When Y.O.U. Point The Finger @ Me, 4 Other Fingers Point Right Back @ Y.O.U.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Y.O.U. think Charles "I Never Won A Ring" Barkley and the rest of the peanut gallery are listening? Sure, the agonizingly protracted melodrama surrounding Lebron James's "Decision" to leave the Cleavland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat and the ESPN T.V. special announcing said migration was a pure dick head move, but, really, who fucking cares!? The long awaited 2010-2011 NBA Basketball season starts tomorrow and, once again, the genius marketing team over @ Nike just set it off right with this dope commercial. Way to put things in perspective, huh? Good shit!

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