Saturday, September 11, 2010

Forget Me Not.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: On that fateful morning of September 11, 2001, the still holding on to a fading Summer bright blue skies above NYC were blackened with billows of smoke and a pungent sense of despair as America and, indeed, the world was thrust into a frightful new reality. Nothing would ever be the same.

In the 9 years since the worst terrorist attack ever committed on the heretofore sacrosanct U.S. soil, our collective pride and resilience in the face of this horror as a country has, for far too many, morphed into a xenophobic inferno.

The real embers of raw emotion and anger have been stoked by heartless fear mongers bent on furthering their own careers @ the expense of our nation's sanity. When honest answers are woefully insufficient only good ole scapegoating will do - and the less that a person OR persons looks like Y.O.U., talks like Y.O.U. and/or worships like Y.O.U. that much the easier to recast them as sub-human and ideal candidates to burn in public effigy as the great towers of the World Trade Center once did.

Right-Wing Republican extremists have taken effervescent joy in painting Muslim extremists as the true reflection of Islam (NOTE: Clearly, the "Boogey Man" of all religions) and those too ignorant and unworldly to know any better gobbled up the bait and have now become just as radicalized in their skewed views and actions as the enemy that they wish to destroy. Ironic, huh?

I have never been given to overly-intense hysteric bouts of emotion regarding the politics of this tragedy. I have, however, always felt and continue to feel the deepest and most sincere of sorrows for the thousands of innocent people who lost their lives and the lives of their loved ones on that September morning. Fuck the Taliban, fuck Fox News and fuck George Bush and his opportunistic ass for using this event as an excuse to reignite his daddy's war against Sadaam Hussein and trade blood for oil! September 11th is NOT about Mosques that stand questionably close to Ground Zero or fanatical 50 member Church cult leaders threatening to burn 100 Holy Korans. No, today is about real people.

Today is about my GODfather who made it out from the 92nd floor of Tower 1 just before it fell as the bodies of jumpers, whom would have rather plunged to their death than be burned alive, rained down and crashed to the ground around him as hurried through crowds of people, rubble and charred remains to find unknown safety. My GODfather is a Vietnam War veteran. He tells me that he will never forget that day. Neither should we.

I would like to salute ALL of the brave men and women - civilians and/or "First Responders" - whom made the ultimate sacrifice 9 years ago today. Thank Y.O.U.! My thoughts and prayers go out to Y.O.U. and your families. GOD bless. Peace.

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