Saturday, August 21, 2010

NEW MUSIC: Kanye West Ft. Jay-Z x Swizz Beatz - Power (Remix)(Dirty)(NO DJ) x A Special Livestyle "Respect The Architects" Commentary.

Streaming Audio/Download Link: Kanye West Ft. Jay-Z And Swizz Beatz - Power (Remix)(Dirty)(NO DJ)

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Whereas words alone cannot begin to describe the sheer joy that I feel now knowing that Kobe Bryant's attendance @ the studio session for this "Power (Remix)" did not result in what would have undoubtedly been an awkward and stupid feature from #24, I was kind of looking forward to a verse from Mos Def and more than just a signature "It's SHOWTIME!" adlib or 2 from Swizz Beatz. Jay-Z is actually on this joint ... I didn't see that coming a mile away. No, really, I didn't ... lol.

Anyway, while Mr. West Mr. West's flipping of the Chill Rob G Hip Hop/House classic "I've Got The Power" is completely apropos given this song's title AND is yet another superlative example of Kanye's expansive musical vocabulary, I think that this record is just OK. Nothing torturously terrible here and nothing mind blowing special here either. Apparently though, I am in the minority ... lol.

Some have already hopped the hyperbole train and crowned this achievement the "best song of the year". Really? So, we're just gonna act like "B.M.F." didn't happen? No "Popular Demand"? I mean, I don't even fuck with Jay "Diarrhea Of The Mouth" Electronica like that, but we're not gonna talk about "The Ghost Of Christopher Wallace" yall? Word? Today's Hip Hop fans sure have a short attention span. Whatever. This remix is cool ... and I'ma leave it @ that. Holla @ ya boy in BK!

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Aight, upon further review, Amber Rose's former meal ticket DID go in crazy on the last verse ... lol. Real recognize real.)


(QUESTION: Is that the beautiful N'Bushe Wright "singing" the hook in this video? I want answers and I want them NOW ... or @ least as soon as 1 of Y.O.U. figures this out ... lol.)

(NOTE: In the interest of maintaining some modicum of brevity and not going on for another 5 paragraphs, I couldn't possibly get into the subject of the group Mantronix and their importance to modern music. I could however include their "King Of Beats" record that Snap! sampled in order to create their copy-and-paste crapsterpiece ... lol. Enjoy!)

In accordance with the dictates of the Livestyle School Of Continuing Education with specific attention paid to Livestyle Executive Order 1988-92, it is my unique moral obligation to cite, explain and, when technologically capable, produce images, audio and/or visuals that relevantly correlate to any aspect of the main post. Today's great revelation comes to us via Jersey City, NJ's very own Chill Rob G ... let us press play ... lol.

The history regarding this song can be a little bit confusing: Basically, Chill Rob G's vocals from his song "Let The Words Flow" were sampled (NOTE: More like copy and pasted almost the ENTIRE SONG under the unsolicited and illegal guise of a "remix") by some German Euro-trash producers for their Pop-Dance crew Snap! and "The Power" was born. Score 1 for the Krauts! LOL.

Realizing that they had an international hit on their hands that they were not seeing a penny on, Chill Rob G's label sued and put a cease and desist motherfucker order on Snap! Attempting to capitalize off this momentum Chill Rob G recorded a different version for his debut "Ride the Rhythm", but his core fan base wasn't checking for it - it was a lose, lose situation for the homie. I remember clearly being like 9 or 10 years old and hating this record after approximately 2.5 listens - I wanted to hear shit like "Court Is Now In Session", not this reheated "Hammer Pants" dance party crap.

In an era of Milli-Vanilli, where a slim Zelma Davis could serve as the face to the amazing Martha Wash's voice simply because she was deemed too fat for MTV, Chill Rob G stands as Hip Hop's forgotten victim of late 1980's/very early 1990's lip-synching music piracy. Son doesn't get anywhere near the amount of props that he deserves. Salute this man!

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