Friday, August 13, 2010

Kanye West Previews "Mama's Boyfriends", Freestyles x More @ His "Secret Squirrel" Show Live @ The Box NYC 8/12/10.



Information Courtesy Of: Realtalkny.Net

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: It is no secret that Kanye West and I have had our issues in the past - most notably my intense disgust for that ridiculous "shag" human raccoon cap haircut that he was sporting awhile back and his so-stupid-that-it-has-to-be-regarded-as-comedy claim that "Ralph Lauren was boring" before he wore him - however, overall, I have enormous respect for his creative talents and his dedication to being different. His vision goes well beyond simply making G.O.O.D. music though. He knows how to connect with his audience. Take for instance, his latest gorilla marketing campaign for his forthcoming album "Good Ass Job".

No doubt taking a page from the current high end fashion playbook, Kanye West has been popping up with "secret" shows across the country. Last night he hit NYC.

Impeccably decked out in tailored suit and tie "Martin Louis The King Jr." (NOTE: Sharing the surprise show bill greasy faced R&B troubadour John Legend) took to the stage @ New York City's burlesque theater inspired The Box - a place where "bottle service" still lives ... lol - to run through a string of hits, introduce a new song entitled "Mama's Boyfriends", shout out a few friends and even bless the captivated crowd with a little freestyle just for good measure.

Now, why wasn't I in attendance? Good question. Well, I've always been more "in the streets" than industry ... the kid's gotta eat my nigga. Be that as it may, I know that I need to get back in the loop with this music shit. *Cue Tupac Shakur "Me And My Girlfriend" Voice* "Look for me!" Holla @ ya boy in BK!

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