Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Curt@!n$ Ft. Dom Kennedy - 2 Sports Cars (Over That Good Wu-Tang "The M.G.M." Instrumental)(Freestyle)(Official Music Video)

CurT@!n$ "2 Sports Cars" feat. Dom Kennedy from CurT@!n$ on Vimeo.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: New shit from the homie Curt@!n$ featuring Dom Kennedy entitled "2 Sports Cars" off that "The Dissertation: The Wu-Thesis" mixtape. Good shit!




At this stage of my life I can readily admit that my heightened sense of style and the demanding standards to which I adhere can sometimes put me @ a disadvantage when it comes to discovering new trails off the beaten path. This is particularly true with the current bumper crop of internet-made MC's - many of whom I regard as little more than crude gruel concocted to temporarily feed the fickle Trendoid cyborg beings that dominate much of today's music scene. I, however, have learned that I cannot paint everybody with that same frayed brush. Case In Point: Dom Kennedy.

Sure, I had seen his name all over the place online, I was in no rush to download ANY of his music. All of that changed though once the homie Sickamore invited me and the team out to 1 of his Hipster-ific "Famous Factory" showcases and I got to witness Leimert Park's finest do his thing.

Listen, a nigga like me is notorious for walking out on acts just for looking wack, but, this time I fellback and absorbed this curiously strange new underground phenomena and I'm glad that I did.

A gang of artists performed that night (NOTE: Shout out to my nigga Smoke DZA!) and most of them put it down, but Dom Kennedy's music stuck with me. To be clear, I had no real preconceived notions about him or his music specifically, I just didn't care ... lol. As he launched into his set though, I immediately found myself nodding my head and actually enjoying his show (NOTE: A triumph which is somewhat of a rarity these days ... lol).

Make no mistake, Dom Kennedy is NO lyrical genius, but he does know how to make a damn good song! He remains true to his rich "West$ide" roots without crawling into the comfort of the always predictable "gang banger" pigeon hole and delivers his unique brand of simplistically witty street tales that are only enhanced by his keen ear for beat selection. See, I don't need to be beat over the head with a Webster's Rhyming Dictionary and force fed a slew of flat punchlines that only go from unfunny to even less funny with each listen. No gimmicks and no frills, Dom Kennedy knows what he's doing boys and girls.

In any event, If Y.O.U. are as unfamiliar with Dom Kennedy as I once was, please consider the "BONUS" section of this post as a primer. On the other hand, if you're already up on this "Left" Coast audio dope slinger, then just press play and enjoy the ride. "Choose up!"

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