Monday, July 12, 2010


(LtoR: My brother Jason and I @ Club Reign Circa Summer 2006)

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Yes, today is my formerly little, now, much bigger than me, younger brother's birthday ... lol. The heir apparent to and direct descendant of the Livestyle family bloodline has officially grown into a fine young man and I could not be more proud.

Let it be known and shouted from on high that my brother Jason AKA Niketown (NOTE: His size 14 sneaker collection rivals that of most NBA ball players. Real rap.) AKA "Grillie Da Kid" (NOTE: His Barbecue game is on par with that of Bobby Flay. True Story.) is my heart and that I would die for this man!

Please join me in wishing my brother a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If Y.O.U. aint fam, you're just a fan. This is Livestyle.

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