Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fat Joe "Tales From The Darkside" Eps. 1, 2 x 3: Talks Biggie Wanting To Clap DJ Clue, Booking Biggie's 1st Paid Show x R.Kelly's Boxing Skills.




CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Although it may not be reflected in his rhymes, as anyone who has ever shared a studio session with him can attest, Fat Joe is 1 H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks of a storyteller.

Blessed with a salesman-like gift of gab and an endearing "every man" wit, not to mention being so closely linked to DJ Khaled, and one might have thought that Joey Cooked Coke would have taken to the internet with his "Tales From The Darkside" web series a looooooooong time ago. I mean, son's album is about to drop like TODAY, right? And he's only on his 3rd webisode? Really? Clearly, the lessons of Rick Ross's video-after-video-after-video relentless online media assault didn't make a dent with the geniuses up @ KOCH Records on Fat Joe's "The Darkside Vol. 1" promotion team. It is what it is.

Anyway, while the 1st 2 installments could have been longer, the homie from the BX borough laces listeners with some special memories about the late, great Biggie Smalls and a funny ass story about R.Kelly putting the beats on niggas in a ghetto Chicago "Fight Club" ... lol. Say what Y.O.U. will about Terror Squad top dog's talent, but this man's Hip Hop roots run crazy deep my nigga. Watch and learn. Good shit!

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