Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yesterday's Free "Nation Of Drizzlam" Rally @ New York City's South Street Seaport Ends In Chaos.

CHRIS LIVE AKA SHAKER SAYS: Funny, I would not have guessed that Drake's male fanbase possessed nearly the amount of testosterone necessary to incite a small scale riot. And I would be right. Because, apparently, it was mostly a bunch of it's-fun-to-play-bisexual-and-wear-lots-of-Pepto-Bismol®-pink little high school girls behind yesterday's attacks @ New York City's South Street Seaport.

Conflicting reports have been swirling that a number of young people were seen peeling off their "jeggings" (NOTE: "Jeggings" are the sperm count reducing mutant spawn of jeans and spandex leggings. Jeans + Leggings = Jeggings) and stretching them out to fashion crude slingshots from which to launch their water bottle assault upon the crowd. Pretty tough ... I know ... lol. Who remembers when teenagers were actually cool? LOL. Hey, Drake drives 'em wild!

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